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[LG] LayoutPrompter: Awaken the Design Ability of Large Language Models

  • paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.06495
  • github: https://github.com/microsoft/LayoutGeneration/tree/main/LayoutPrompter
  • NeurIPS 2023 accepted (인용수: 9회, ‘24-07-02 기준)
  • downstream task: Class aware Layout Generation

1. Motivation

  • Graphic layout generation의 다양한 task들 (constraint-explicit (content-agnostic) layout generation, content-aware layout generation, text-to-layout )은 task specific하게 학습되어 unified 모델이 부족했음 $\to$ 실용성이 부족

  • LLM을 leverage 삼아 prompt tuning만으로 해결해보자!

2. Contribution

3. LayoutPrompter

4. Experiments
