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  • paper : https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.09520.pdf
  • git : https://github.com/lisadunlap/LADS
  • Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023 (‘22.10, 인용수 : 5회 (‘23.08.14 기준))
  • Downstream tasks: Domain Generalization for classification
  • Contribution
    • Vision-Language Model (CLIP)을 이용해서 unseen domain에 대한 text description만 가지고 latent space에서 augmentation하는 network 제안
    • Linear probing을 통해 backbone fine-tuning 없이 head만 학습시켜 DG task에서 SOTA
    • 데이터셋에 존재하는 거짓 편향 (spurious correlation bias)을 다룸
      • ex. waterbird on land vs. landbird on water
  • Latent Augmentation Using Domain Descriptions

    • Domain Extension with Language

      • Training Dataset & label

        \[\{x_i, y_i\}_{i=1}^n\]
      • class name : $t_y$

      • training domain written description : $t_{training}$

      • unseen domain written description : $t_{unseen}$

    • LADS (Lantent Augmentation using Domain descriptionS)

      • Linear probing으로 classification head만 학습
      • Input :
        • image embedding (by CLIP Image encoder)
        • class labels
        • text description of class
        • text descriotion of domain
    • Two-stage Training approach

      • Augmentation network training

        • $f_{aug}$ : 2-layer MLP with input and output dimensions of 768 and a hidden dimension of 384

        • Train Domain의 image embedding을 Unseen Domain으로 transform

        • 그러면서 class의 semantic은 보존

          • CLIP loss를 적용

        • LADS 최종 Loss

      • Fine tuning

        • Linear probing: Original image와 함께 Augmented image도 함께 head 만 학습
          • CLIP의 backbone까지 학습하는건 overfitting 우려가 있으므로 head만 학습
    • Dataset Bias

      • CLIP을 활용해서 source domain의 배경이 water이면 augmented domain을 land로, vice-versa
