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[UDA][\CLS] CDTrans: Cross-domain Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

  • ‘22.3.19 ICLR 2022 accept

  • 인용수 : 60회

  • UDA Classification task SOTA

    • VisDa-2017 (5등)

    • DomainNet (2등)

  • github: https://github.com/CDTrans/CDTrans

  • paper : https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06165


  • 기존 UDA의 한계점
    • Task : Classification
    • CNN기반 모델은 Noisy Pseudo label 생산한다. → 최근 성능이 좋은 Transformer로 변경한다.
      • 트랜스포머 관련 자료 : https://gaussian37.github.io/dl-concept-vit/
  • 제안하는 방식
    • pseudo labeling : two-way center-aware labeling algorithm
    • model architecture : weight-sharing triple-branch transformer framework
      • self-attention : source/target feature learning
      • cross-attention : source/target domain alignment

1. Introduction

  • Model architecture
    • Transformer의 cross-attention → Noisy Pseudo label의 noise를 효과적으로 완화함
      • 2-branches : source, target domain specific한 feature학습
      • 1-branch : source & target domain의 feature alignment
  • Pseudo labeling
    • two-way center aware labeling method → pseudo label의 quality를 향상

2. Related Work

Transformers for Vision

  • NLP분야에서 처음 사용됨
  • ViT (2020) : image를 patch단위로 쪼개어 학습함
  • DeiT (2021) : KD방식을 ViT에 적용함
  • 여러 Vision downstream task에 활용됨
    • Classification
    • Object Detection
    • Person Re-ID
  • Multi-modal task에서 사용됨

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

  • domain-level : domain-alignment로 source, target domain간의 divergence를 줄임
    • Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) (2006)
    • Correlation Alignment (CORAL) (2016)
  • category-level
    • fine-grained category alignment를 통해 classwise alignment 수행 (2018) (2021)

Pseudo Labeling

  • Labeled data와 함께 Pseudo label을 fine-tuning에 활용
    • conditional distribution alignment (2017)
    • Regularization으로 활용 (2018)
    • self-training 사용 (2018)
    • k-means clustering기반 self-supervised method (2018)
    • noisy peudo label을 효과적으로 줄이는 self-supervised 방식 (2020) → base 논문

3. Approach

3.1 The Cross Attentions in Transformer

  • Self-attention module

    • came from ViT (Vaswani et al., 2017)

      \[Attn_{self}(Q, K, V)=softmax(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V\]
      • $Q$, $K$: $\inR^{N \times d_k}$, Query and Key, respectively.
        • 물리적 의미: patch간의 similarity. Value의 Weight 활용
      • $V\in R^{N \times d_v}$, Value
      • $N$: patch의 갯수. $I \in x^{H \times W \times C} =x^{N \times (P^2 C)}$일때, $N=\frac{HW}{P^2}$
        • $P$: Patch의 크기
  • Cross-attention module

    • Self-attention module과 다르게 $I_s, I_t$ 을 입력으로 받음

      \[Attn_{self}(Q_s, K_t, V_t)=softmax(\frac{Q_sK_t^T}{\sqrt{d_k}})V_t\]
      • $Q_s$, $K_t$: $\inR^{M \times d_k}$, Query and Key, respectively.
        • 물리적 의미: Source patch& Target patch간의 similarity. Value의 Weight 활용
      • $V_t\in R^{N \times d_v}$, Value
      • M: patch의 갯수. $I \in x^{H \times W \times C} =x^{M \times (P^2 C)}$일때, $M=\frac{HW}{P^2}$
        • $P$: Patch의 크기
  • Cross-Attention Module의 유무에 따른 성능 변화

    • False positive source, target image patch 간의 dissimilar하게 되므로 noise label을 filtering함
    • 반면, true positive patch간의 similar, dissimilar 여부는 성능 하락에 지장을 안주므로 고려 안함

3.2 Two-way Center-aware Labeling Method

Two-way Labeling

  • Cross-attention module에 사용할 Source & Target 유사도가 높은 이미지 추출
    • $P_s={(s,t) s=min_k d(f_s, f_k), \forall k \in T, \forall s \in S}$
      • $f$: feature of each domain
    • $P_t={(s,t) t=min_k d(f_s, f_k), \forall k \in T, \forall s \in S}$
    • $P={P_s \cup P_t}$

Center-aware Filtering

  • Source-only pretrained model로 classwise probability distribution의 mean값을 계산함
\[c*k=\frac{\sum*{t \in T}\delta_t^k f*t}{\sum*{t \in T}\delta_t^k}\]
  • k-mean clustering algorithm으로 class index 할당
  • k-mean cluster결과와 pseudo label의 결과가 같으면 학습에 활용. Vice versa
\[c'*k=\frac{\sum*{t \in T} \mathbb{I}(y_t=k) f*t}{\sum*{t \in T}\mathbb{I}(y_t=k)}\]

3.3 Cross-domain Transformer (CDTrans)

  • 3 branches

    • Source branch : Self-attention layer로 Source domain specific feature를 학습
    • Target branch : Self-attention layer로 Target domain specific feature를 학습
    • Source&Target branch : Cross-attention layer로 S&T domain feature alignment
  • Loss

    • Cross-entropy Loss
      • Source branch
      • Target branch
    • Distillation Loss
      • Teacher : Source&Target branch output
      • Student : Target branch output
        • Used in inference

4. Experiments


  • VisDA-2017

  • Office-Home

  • Office-31

    • TVT는 ImageNet21K pretrained ViT를 사용했기에 성능이 더 좋음
    • CDTrans는 ImageNet1K pretrained DeiT사용
  • DomainNet

    • SOTA를 넘음


  • DeiT-small, DeiT-base (2021)


  • Two-way Center aware pseudo labeling

  • Loss

    • cls loss 보다 distillation loss가 낫다 (row 3 vs row 4)

    • Pseudo label 사용한 게 안한것보다 낫다 (row 1,2 vs row 3)

5. Conclusion

  • two-way center-aware pseudo labeling 제안했다
  • Transformer기반 cross-attention module을 제안했다
  • UDA 4개의 classification task에서 SoTA를 찍었다
